Dr. Sumalatha
Dr. Sumalatha Prahasini Ganesula is a top general physician in Hyderabad, currently associated with Apollo 24|7. She has more than two decades of experience in treating patients for various issues. She holds expertise in diabetes management.
Some of the cases that the doctor takes up include Type 2 Diabetes Treatment, Stress Management Counselling, Vaccination/ Immunization, Hypertension Treatment, Hypertriglyceridemia, Menopause and osteoporosis, Obesity, Insulin Treatment, Diabetic Ulcer Treatment, Herpes Infection Treatment, Malaria Treatment, Jaundice Treatment, Gout Treatment, Anemia Treatment, Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment, Tobacco Cessation, Dyslipidemia and Geriatrics.
She is also a member of prestigious medical organizations such as the Associations of Physicians of India and the Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India.